Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
Tuesday weekly reset -4 crota + 4 exotic chest -4 Atheon + 4 exotic chest -4 nightfall Came across - 6 ghorn - 1 red death - 1 PAT - 1 ice breaker - 2 plan c - 1 dragon breath In total 12 exotics and I got NONE of those
Got to atheon before me and my team all disbanded over a stupid argument. Every chest was shards.
Edited by LoneTAWolf: 1/4/2015 8:39:46 PMHow about not ever earning an exotic from a drop, chest, or raid? I've had to buy all mine or do exotic bounties to get them. And I've had the game with three separate characters since it came out. All those Nightfall Strikes and Engrams and Raids...and nothing. And the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that I've beaten the VoG on hard 19 times and I haven't got the Vex Mythoclast. 19. Freakin. Times. Makes me wanna quit this game.
Edited by RejectedMind: 1/4/2015 6:39:54 PMDid the whole CE raid on my 29 Hunter. Hit both chests and completed the whole raid. Needed to find a group to kill Crota. Finally got a group together and we killed Crota our first try. 2 shards. So in the end... First chest: 2 shards First section: 2 shards Bridge: 2 energy Second chest: 2 shards Crota: 2 shards So the whole raid was my worst RNG moment.
6 coins from NF, teammate gets SUROS. Only get armor from VoG after I hit level 31. Really want Hard Light from NF, teammate gets it. Lol the last one happened to my friend, I was the teammate :)
Just finished Atheon on hard..got two helmets and a ship...which I was wearing and using the ship at the time...
For six Nightfalls, all I got was Ascendant Energies and anywhere from 5-11 Strange Coins.
Every vault of glass run ever
Watching my friend, who was in my FIRETEAM, (well, not anymore) get an exotic from a Control match on Bastion with a 0.55 K/D.
3 nightfalls last week. 15 strange coins total.
Ranked my iron banner up to 4 just to buy Lvl 30 gauntlets. Played the hard raid for the first time after that and got the vog gauntlets twice. Praise the RNG
Edited by imobilegolem: 1/4/2015 6:55:15 PMI went 36-2 in the iron banner and some guy at the bottom with 2 assists and 14 deaths gets Gjallarhorn... I just couldn't play destiny for a couple days
Got another Devil You Don't from a purple engram. Can't wait to reload every 5 seconds
Getting either 2 shards or 2 energies from Crota the last 4 times in a row and no guns/armor to use them on
When all i got in the Raid was energy
Playing the crucible and for the first time I'm not trying to be good and the guy in front of me gets the 4th horseman -_-
So I've been needing like 5 ascendant shards so I can upgrade my armor and I've been getting energies from the daily heroics for like 2 whole weeks!! So frustrating!!
The day when all I did was RoC strikes and I got three patience and times when I already had a fully upgraded one
This weeks nightfall I got 9 shards and 8 coins
One strange coin away from ice breaker. At 4:45 Sunday morning. I gave up and went to bed, forgetting about one blue engram. What was in the engram when I opened it the next day? A strange coin.
Hey Guys my Youtube Channel : GermanGames GG and my New destiny montage http://youtu.be/g97LVckpToQ Please Subscribe :) Thanks
Shards and Timebreaker for the SECOND time in a row beating Atheon on hard Shards from beating Crota
not sure what i have to do to get out of RNGhell
Playing Crota's End like a million times and not getting the Warlock Chest armor... Mhmm, its like a damn curse.
Primary Legend engram....PRAYING FOR HAWKMOON......decrypts into my 3rd last word....facepalm