you're in a box with no windows and no doors, and all in there with you is a table and a mirror ..... How do you get out?
First one to answer gets a cookie :p
Edit: the box is completely sealed for the smart asses ;)
Ok now for another....
How do you make a barrel lighter that you can see?
Idk if your all using Google or figuring these out on you own ;p but please feel free to post your own riddles or play on words. I would love to read them. Oh and btw forget about all the trolls and the haters they are just to dumb to do it on there own :)
Omg the intellect of the page,hmmm they just remind me of my days as a young lad lol
Here's another one guys, no cheating...
I never was, am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all, To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. What am I?
Tell us what I'll give us an easy one to get you spirits up here you go....
Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.
And here's another :) ..........
I know a word of letters three. Add two, and fewer there will be.
Damn!!!! Over a thousand comments?!?!? Post down below riddles you have and if you want me to continue to challenge you all :)
Look in the mirror. See what you saw. Use the saw to cut the table in half. Two halves make a hole. Climb out the hole. #ncis
Off topic much?
I walk into the woods and come across a cabin, Walking into the Cabin I find 3 dead people, how did they die?
I have a riddle for you now. What walks on 4 legs in the morning 2 legs at noon And 3 legs in the evening? First one to answer gets a cookie
What's brown and sticky? [spoiler]A brown stick.[/spoiler]
3 men go into a hotel. The man behind the desk says a room is $30 so each man pays $10 and goes to the room. A while later the man behind the desk realized the room was only $25 so he sent the bellboy to the 3 guys' room with $5. On the way the bellboy couldn't figure out how to split $5 evenly between 3 men, so he gave each man a $1 and kept the other $2 for himself. This means each man paid $9 for the room, which is a total of $27 add the $2 that the bellboy kept = $29. Where is the other dollar?
Break the mirror with the table and cut out of the box. Right?
Edited by KingWilly9x: 12/22/2014 1:22:46 PMYou have 2 coins that add up to 30 cents, but one is not a nickel. What do you have? (It is American currency)
What is pink, red, and silver, and crawls into walls?[spoiler]a baby with forks in its eyes[/spoiler]
He sleeps at day and rides at night But half as sharp and half as bright He gorges full and dwindles thin And children see his shining grin He sees the sun from east to west And sees all men when they rest
What has a mouth but never eats, a bed but never sleeps, runs but never walks, and makes noise but never talks
RIDDLE ME THIS, BATMAN!!!! The person who makes it doesn't want it. The person who buys it doesn't need it. And the person who uses it doesn't know it. What is it?
Named for my son's son I speak for the brother of space I have no body Only three hands and a face What am I?
Walls of a fortress, white as snow Yet it is not a place one can go It takes just a crack to open wide, Holds no value, yet has gold inside
Look in the mirror, see what you saw, use that saw to cut the table in half, put the two halves together to make a (w)hole, use the hole to get out. Now excuse me while I get a glass of milk
You walk through the woods on a path. Ahead is a fork where two brothers stand - one who always lies and one who always tells the truth. You do not know which way to go so you must ask the brothers. However, you are only allowed to ask one of them one question. What is the correct question to ask and how do you know which way to go.
Break mirror; slash wrists. Boom, you're out.
All things this devours Birds, beast, trees, flowers Gnaws iron, bites steel, Grinds hard stone to meal, Slays kings, ruins towns And beats high mountains down. [spoiler] no answers here ;) [/spoiler]
[quote]you're in a box with no windows and no doors, and all in there with you is a table and a mirror ..... How do you get out? This is simple. You just cut the table in half and put it back tigether making a whole.
Break the mirror in half, put the halves together, 2 halves make a whole, climb out said hole
What is as hard as a tree, as thick as a tree and does not have branches unlike a tree.
Edited by RolledUp20s: 12/22/2014 6:49:07 PMI gotta figure it out.. Are they laughing at me because I'm prone to fear and doubt? Am I messed up? Am I loud? Well eat my dust! That's all I am a speck out in the crowd! ...dammit, I'll be singing this all night now.
What does every man value more than life, and carry to the grave?
Break the mirror and cut through the box
Look into the mirror and all you see is you. Ask the ewe for its golden fleece and Jason and Argonauts yourself out of there. Don't do drugs.