originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Looking for group to start raid this Friday night. Mic is important. No pressure raid. I have level 31 hunter. I have not ran it yet, but have been watching videos to get the concepts down.
Craid (1st alt)
Let's hope psn is back online soon. Guys I will try to give the invite to everyone on our list as you have came in. I will keep the door open for extras as some one may not be able to make it for whatever reason.
Guys I am gonna shoot for the raid tonight around 11pm. I'll add everyone on the list. Thx
Im still game are u still doing it at 11 east time. im sitting in the tower afraid to turn it off dont know if it will logg back in haha
Anyone up for trying this tonight?
Has anybody had luck with getting on i was on for 2 hours this morning but cant get on ever since
Can't log onto psn "under maintenance" so I may not be able to add friends. Hopefully it gets resolved.
Edited by anansi_nuni : 12/27/2014 6:42:07 PMShould be on add me or anyone can that is looking to grp up
Eastern time zone
Im down to play as well. Lvl 31 Hunter PSN is craid if yall have space still
I'm down. I'm a 31 Warlock and r1real on PSN. I've been through once with plenty of cheese. Would love to do it legit.
Level 30 hunter almost level 31 related to Manchu will join up @ 9 for Raid. Add me thanks.
Im game add me dragon2298 thats if psn ever comes back on line
What time zone are you in?
Add me and invite if I'm on. Lvl 31 titan. I'm normally on late around 11pm PST
I'm in. Level 31 warlock, eastern time zone. Havent ran the new raid yet either. Add me please