At least on my game. Been trying since release date to get this damn chest piece and I can't ever get it. Every chest engram has turned to Voidfang Vestments, xur has been selling Voidfang Vestments all the time. RNG is beginning to piss me off so much.
I can't for the life of me even get one from nightfall. I get any other exotic that I don't want.
Call me ignorant but it's sitting in my vault while I'm wearing the skull helm. What's it do?
Got it from a nightfall, main is a lock, dismantled it
I got it from nightfall :)
This and gjallahorn are the two exotics that have eluded me this whole time :(
Is it really hard to get? It was my first ever exotic from my first ever nightfall.
Keep trying, it's so sexy
I want it :( it's so beautiful
Edited by Pro100pawn: 12/22/2014 5:07:47 AMSame thing but I can not! Get a GJALLAHORN !!! I hate ring
U need hug?
Im thinking that bungie has concluded heart of the praxic fire is too OP and have quietly removed it from the game, current owners exempt, of course
If you have gala horn you might not get blessed with it.
That sucks. Hawkmoon continues to evade me. I do have praxic and love it. I hope it finds its way to you someday ...
I got my when xür sold truth the first time with the exotic chest engram, when i decode it (hoping to get the wolf chest piece for hunters) i got it and show it to my friends that were warlocks and i piss all of them Check out my warlock for proof
Love my HoPF 2.0!
It isn't rng. It's bungie being jerks
Exact same story for me dude. I hate RNG
I got it from the nightfall back in October when I was using my Hunter. Leveled it up to 36 light with Xur this past week.
The Praixic fire is literally the ONLY exotic I am missing from my 1.0 collection. T-T
I'm so luck I got it from nightfall and then 2.0 second day dlc released from legendary engram
Check me out
i actually got it from the most recent nightfall. its great
Have it on my warlock lol
I've been trying to get it as well, however I've saved motes of light hoping for a exotic chest engram from Xur (has he had the chest engram for sale lately? I feel like I haven't seen it for sale). He's been selling exotic helmet engrams though. Just hoping for HOPF or Starfire protocol at least from the exotic chest engram when he sells it. How many engrams have you decrypted without HOPF?
At least we have the Voidfang vestments right? R-r-right? :(
I got mine from the 1st exotic engram I ever bought from xur 2 weeks after release. Almost never take it off
No sure why it's so rare when hunters and titans get their two chest pieces sold all the time.