If Destiny's precious economy needs preserving then anyone who's hit level 3 ( Edit - by glitching, etc ) with Eris should be suspended for a week. This will give none glitches, exploiters a fair chance to catch up. It's quite frankly impossible ( Edit - Unless your a Hunter, maybe !?! ) to have hit that level yet without cheating. I play long hours and fair, but when I see gamers constantly exploiting glitches with no consequence, it's very difficult not to see the appeal. Bungie, get tough on these idiots. Fair gamers shouldn't have to follow in the wake of these snot nosed talentless idiots.
Edit : At the risk of upsetting anyone I should point out that if you've reached ANY level by fair means I commend you, however I do struggle to see why you are so aggitated over something that clearly doesn't effect you ? Only you know if you've cheated, glitched, etc and to all those I hope you're smited and justly so, talentless heathens should be shunned and ridiculed.
More Edit : Here is my concern, there was a glitch, etc with the Iron Banner that allowed you to log in and out, etc and do all the Bounties twice a day, Bungie patched this because it's obviously unfair right ? The same glitch is in Crotas bane, the Eris bounties, except Bungie hasn't patched it. My concern is not over some silly shader that does nothing to alter the game dynamics, but the bigger picture. The Bounty glitch will give users plenty of time to upgrade the Husk, the New Vex, in time to receive Crotas Crux ( a random drop triggered by completing Crotas End on Hard ) which unlocks the final stage of the weapon. Bungie have timed the release of Crotas End Hard for January,
Now when users found out about the Atheon glitch every man and his dog flooded the Crucible with Vex's, Bungie had to nerf it to try and bring some balance back to the game, a little unfair for the gamers who won it fair and square, but Bungie never anticipated there would be so many of the damn things about, so what else could they do ? The same could happen here. Hence my post.
So people are getting weapons before you. I'm so sorry special snowflake you deserve all that stuff first
I am rank 3 without glitching. I complete the nightfall with my primary character on tues before turning tues Eris bounties, and I only turn them in while wearing Eris emblem, shader, and class item. I have missed two days worth of bounties since Eris arrived in the tower and I reached rank 3 yesterday. Rank 3 is possible without glitching.
I hit level 4 on Eris this morning before I went to work. When I know I have to work or have other plans, I just get online real quick and grab the bounties for that day. Then I do them the next day with the others. And I have noticed a number of times that 1 or 2 of the bounties are the same from the previous day. It helps to do the nightfall before doing any sort of bounty <<<(I put this just in case the new players don't know about it).
Edited by GilgAmesh1957: 12/31/2014 6:02:00 PMWhat are you talking about? I am still level 3 1/2 with Eris,only because I lost four days of Bounties at the beginning,a couple of my mates hit level 4 today,all of this doing "regular Eris Bounties" everyday,no need to glitch anything. My two Husks are already maxed out as Legendaries, waiting to get The Crux and become exotics,who needs to glitch for a simple task like this?
Boo -blam!-ing hoo! Get over it! It's not like u get stuff for lvling her up anyway. Never heard bitching about vanguard and crucible. Spend a hour playing and done with them already... A few hrs later and they're more to do. Keeps idle hands busy lest the devil wish to employ them.
Edited by IKronostitan: 12/29/2014 7:08:24 PMI hit rank 3 a week ago on my warlock after doing the bounties once a day since day 1of the dlc so if your not 3 by now then u have missed a few days don't try to get other people banned because you are a scrub
This has been around since lauch. You could always do this with vanguard and crucible bounties. Why is everyone bitching now?
So... I'm up at 1am every morning regardless, I should just watch my bounties become available and not do them? I do my bounties as they come available, it's not my fault they're broken.
It hit Rank 3 wroth my Lock yesterday and will hit it with my Hunter today and Titan tomorrow. I don't know what glitch you're talking about. I've never seen the same bounties show up later in the day after completing them. I just did EVERY bounty, EVERY day. The only day I missed was Day 1 with my Hunter. In addition, the Lock and Hunter have had the help of having the extra class-specific bounty more often than the Titan. Why is it that someone wants to cry "foul" whenever they aren't the first to do our get something? I've got 3 Husks already and my buddy has none. Is they're a cheat for that as well?
I hit rank 3 yesterday and I don't even know what the glitch is. So I should be suspended just cause I'm at 3? FOH crybaby.
Bungie keeps throwing glue on the ground to attempt to slow players down. All they're doing is flying through the loopholes.
Meh they'll still have to down hard crota to get the necrochasm. I don't really mind if other people have the necrochasm before me. I doubt it will be met with the same crucible love as vex was either. A low impact auto rifle with firefly isn't OP for PvP by any standards.
The whole crota update is basically a giant bungie sponsored cheese. My buddy who started playing this month, has already surpassed my level and I've been playing moderately since launch. All because he just happened to buy his first legendary armor around the update. It is just a game but it does make playing from the start pointless and unrewarding. All that to say, why would any one not use cheeses to upgrade faster when bungie is providing them as part of the game. We're all getting screwed any way :)
What exactly is the glitch? If you did the nightfall before any of the rest of her bounties, and kept up with her daily bounties (excluding the class-specific ones if they did not apply) then hitting rank 3 when this post was originally made, is just about fair and square. I made the mistake of not doing the nightfall before all of her bounties that first day the dlc went live, plus missed one day of bounties, and hit rank 3, day before yesterday.
Everyone should be 3 now as of 2 days ago
Please stop crying omg they hit 3 one day sooner by staying up till 4am est. yea that's a pain if u don't live pst.
why do you care it doesn't affect you lol
im a titan and im level 3 nightfall bonuses.
Y do you need to catch up. You Jealous little girl. Why do you care if people get to level four before you. I'm only 2700 away from lvl 4 hahahahha
Lol bruh, stfu and stop being so bad bro
Can I point out here that anyone with rank 3 with Eris is not cheating but in other words playing the game. If anyone is rank 4 then yes they are cheating at the total rep for her already should only take you to rank 3 and stop whining. Not our fault you struggle with her bounties.
Why do people care so much about what other people are or aren't doing in the game? It in no way affects your ability to play the game the way you feel it should be played. With a patch, will your method of playing change? And when Bungie do a patch, does it always fix the issues, or create more? I have no idea of the glitch you are talking about, I pick up the bounties day to day, try and get them done, miss some, make most, but I couldn't care less what others are doing. Glitches/exploits, if you want to, cool, your choice, if not, cool, your choice. For those too young to understand the world is not even and fair, wait till you go for a job, where you're clearly a top candidate, but the CEOs mates son gets it cause of who you know scenario. Worrying about what others do or don't have, and how they got it (unless they have stolen it from you directly) is pointless.
You'll be the same rank as those folks with less effort this week. Instead of railing against people who did more bounties than you, have you considered complaining about all the daily and weekly limits Bungie has intentionally put into place to prevent rewards from being proportional to game hours played ? The loot system is filled with manipulative FarmVille bullshit designed to force more grinding over more calendar weeks at the intended expense of player fun
You may have put in long hours to reach your rank but the "glitches" put in even more hours so maybe you should get off your self entitled pedistool?