Watch it atheist, you'll have eternity to realize how wrong you are
I have a question. Is there sin in heaven?
Is sin a byproduct of free will?
Only when free will is abused
One last question is there freewill in heaven?
Yes. But every one serves God because he created them.
So if there is free will in heaven you could sin. Then sin would be in heaven. Explain that oh wait youre just gonna pull more shit from your ass.
Why do you think there are daemons? That's what happens when sin happens In heaven
So you can sin thousands of times on earth and go to "heaven" but sin once in "heaven" and you are doomed to "hell". Ignorance is bliss
Edited by Magic_Nek0: 1/30/2015 12:35:22 AMI think daemons exist as enemies of space marines in Warhammer 40,000. And that is very true.
Science > fake God
I cringed.
There is no convincing people is there? If we were made in his image why aren't we giant and invisible? If gods good and has a plan for everyone that no one can change then why it's there evil in the world? How can our immense and infinite universe that still expanding( Hense infinite ) be created in 7 days? Technically 6? Would you have your own son killed for evil people who have groups who don't care or believe in you? I didn't think so, all the stories there are horrible.
God slows evil because he belives free will is important
Yeah he believes in free will! He gave it to you, but you have to use it as he says. All forgiving yet if you don't pray you will burn for eternity. If all powerful then why did it take 6-7 days to create the universe and not 1? This is the answer= insanity is believing in your own hallucinations, religion is believing in other peoples hallucinations.
You keep believing there is a god somewhere. Too bad we won't be around when Thats proven wrong
You will be around when you find out I'm right, you really won't like it though...
Religion are stories made up by early civilizations who couldn't research how our universe works, or why. Once you grasp that, you will begin to realize just how silly you've been sounding
Name 10 wars that weren't because of religion, and happened within 1000 years