originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
Hi Thorny Guardians,
Now we will have a Thorny Guardian day every 4 weekends where all of us Thorny Guardians can join together and show our awesomeness and might.
On this day you can do anything you like. It can be strikes, crucible, raids, crucible, story etc whatever you guys feel like. so don't forget to join your friends for some epic battles.
This will be done on Last weekend of every month.
Wherever you are on the weekends it will be a Thorny Guardian day.
Let's fight together and show everyone that we are awesome, Powerful and mighty :)
Thank you everyone and may the Thorn be with you!
Alright everyone I have made a slight change to this post, please read :)
Ran into a fellow thorn user today on Venus, had a little appreciation point and dance, then ruined the two minators!
Who is ready for thorny guardian day? I know I am xD
Well I did what I could. I did may daily, the got some much needed helium the went at it in crucible. Played some clash, rumble, and well did pretty decent not great but mostly positive k/d. I definatly let the other players know the sting of the thorn
Tomorrows the big day hope everyone has their thorns on. I won't be on all day but def making some time to take my thorn to crucible
Not long now until thorny guardian day. I am pumped :)
Can't wait. #ThornMasterWeapon
Count me in of course. Btw I think you missed telling them they can do the crucible ;0)
If its on 360 I'm down
Guess I better get my arse to the moon and finish the bounty...
...wait, I already celebrate Wookie Life-Day.
Just got my thorn on 331 the other day..after I rerolled it last week..
Haha! Sounds great! Can't wait for TG day on Jan 3rd :D