Seeing comments saying hunters and Titans are better then warlocks.... Why all the hate, the only time I hate hunters and Titans are in crucible.
Which isn't PvE but that doesn't mean they aren't useful in PvE however seeing people actually fight in the forums on which class is better. I laugh hard and long! One the class is only as good as its players. Hunters suck because the player suck. The Titan sucks because the player sucks same goes for warlocks.
No one class is the prime leader, every class is suited for the raid, I've seen hunters waste Crota and I have seen warlocks waste Crota. The only one I have yet to see beat Crota is a Titan that doesn't mean they suck that just means that I haven't been placed with a Titan willing to run the sword. And before you hate on Me.
Yes I run 3 warlocks, yes you may think it's lame. Do I personally believe that warlocks are fitted more for PvE play no! I just like warlocks more, so don't bother giving me you're immature hate.
My point is anyone can solo the raid, pretty sure the hunter couldn't do it without wiping a dozen times right? Well that's my point any class can solo, any class can run the sword with a good team to back them up! But honestly why solo? It's more fun to play with others.
But continue the fight whilst I make popcorn
My clan mate and I always fight for the sword, both level 32 titans. I've seen the other classes kill crota, but no one that can get their super from killing thralls and jump from the ground straight to crota like a titan can.