So, you've played this game for over 250 hours, ran the VOG dozens of times, you always do the nightfall, OH and you have 3 different characters to do all of that on. The problem is, you bought the game a little bit later than everyone else, so now you don't have Ice breaker, Gjallahorn, and/or the Vex Mythoclast. This is MY situation, but im sure alot of you other guardians are in the same ship I'm in. This threads purpose is to pose a question: Why is it that no matter how good of a player I am, no matter how much work I put in, I never get the game changing weapons? Granted, I have things like Hezen Vengeance, but no one posts on the forums: "LOOKING FOR 3 MORE LEVEL 30+ WITH HEZEN VENGEANCE FOR HARD VOG" No, they want a guy with gjallahorn. Now that you have read my rant, I'd like to hear your sob stories so we can all complain together. Reply below :D
I made a Warlock.