originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Looking for fresh Crota run Level 31 Warlock with experience SILIC0N__SURFER (One zero, two underscores)
LF fresh crota normal. lvl 31 warlock. ps4 uknownsoulja
need 4 people add distroyer2002
looking for 3 for crota's end add mochaman77 fresh run
looking for raid level 30 warlock and a 31 warlock
Level 30 Hunter with deathsinger cp. Psn:gaybus22
crota reg from start, lvl 31 warlock inv or join: vengencethecrazy
FRESH RUN CROTA PS4 4 open slots
Crota's End Hard need full team psn L3WMAN13
looking for full group to do crota. i am a lvl 31 hunter psn: tonypm
First time psn spidey2k8
Level 30 Hunter, never done crotas end. Looking for a group to do it with on ps4. My psn: gaybus22
Crota cp need help 1st time. Psn Wolfpackk135
Crotas end raid, on bridge part, need whole team! looking for 5, I am a level 31 warlock, need atleast 1 titan and 1 hunter with invisibility. gamertag - huntingrazr
Need 1 for raid
Need 3 for raid, msg me on psn Blondink14
raid with 5 more people psn: lxs_fx I'm a lvl 30 hunter
Need 2 crota hard crota cp
Looking to do my first crotas end run. Add me Imthmnky
LvL 31 titan with experience looking for a fresh run. Psn same as above
Crota hard fresh run - add richsmith09
Lvl 30, just bought the dlc so im looking to try CE for the first time. : Cval1110 I have past experience with raids with the VoG so if you guys dont mind helping me out thatd be appreciated !
Need help with crota hard raid trying to do a fresh run need 4 more shards for Lvl 32 anyone willing to help? 31+ would be ideal Psn: PurePwnge
Crota's End normal PS4 add L3WMAN13
lf fresh raid lvl 30 warlock p4rs1t3
need 2 for crota checkpoint add hornbaker2000