originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
[quote][b]REQUIRED LVL 30 OR HIGHER AND A MIC[/b] comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment Format: Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"[/quote] im level 40 291 light and never done crota raid
Need help crota raid
Need raid team my gamer tag is Sdszabo
Anyone wanna help me do the Crota raid? I need a full fire team. Never done before. level 33 hunter. Add me same name
Looking for help with all raids, have never completed vault of glass. Ps4 level 40 hunter 213 light level please add me psn is yosh_1992
Lvl32 warlock 165 light LFG any raid psn : xener98
I need help with the new raid! Please im 293
PS4 new to raids. Need friends for Crota's End. Thanks!
Warlock 255 lfg crota psn : xener98
Edited by UnrulyJester96: 9/21/2015 4:37:09 AMLooking for general raid group, 4slots open, I am a 40 warlock 290 light, friend is 40 hunter 216 light ps4 gamertag is The same as tag message for invite
Crota need a fireteam!!! "MrSlave1042"
Level 35 hunter. 169 light. Psn thesillyking
Crotas fresh normal 5 slots start 2:30est
5 open slots psn : LizROB455
Crota raid with 5 open slots - Memphis2025 ps4
Vault of glass. 5 slots Gamertag: lonniedbii Level 33 Hunter
Edited by Maddrox81: 9/8/2015 12:11:48 AMneed 3 for CE normal raid , 2 first timers and 1 somewhat experienced in group Send me in game message IGN: Maddrox81
First timer with Corta need 5 other players add SSDevil_Z lvl 32 titian
Crota raid 5 open slots add me Infamous_Mario23
LF Crotas End. Reg last CP followed by hard last CP. 2 slots open
Bennii_the_boii hosting Crota normal fresh
need 2 more people. reg crota. ps4 message me: Russian Pantz
Looking for group to do a full run, never done swordbearer, 32 titan and 32 hunter have a maxed weapon set
Edited by INK: 8/12/2015 11:12:35 PMI need a team to taken on Crota, and later we could do it on hard mode. I have a level 33 warlock. Maybe after that we could do other raids or prison of elders. I usually play on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, but my mic doesn't work for now.
Русские есть?
add me level 31 warlock i want to do the crota raid on hard, but don't have friends to do it ps4 matthewutley