originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Level 31 Warlock looking for fresh Crota's End raid SILIC0N__SURFER (one zero, two underscores)
Wanting to run fresh raid. Have run it before Lvl 31 hunter & lvl 30 warlock Add: gloooooooper
Looking for group Have Crota cp Add igrony_247
Need 2 for raid Add me Psn:magic_poo241 In lvl 32 hunter Btw we all have mics
lvl 30 titan looking for crota fresh raid PSN urotus24
Lvl31 warlock psn kamikazems
Looking to run crotas end fresh on ps4, psn. zenoarchangel
Looking for a fresh raid gamertag GTInut
PSN LFG Crota. Inv me if you have space. lvl 30 Warlock with Res and maxed out lvl 31 primary. PSN/GT: RogueMarcinko
We have 3 at the witches song checkpoint. Need 3 30+ add jairusjones
Im a lvl 30 warlock lfg that is at crota checkpoint psn:eguerr text me here how much you have and not just invite me
2 slots open for level 30 plus
Level 30 warlock looking for a fresh crota run. Have mic etc Add Sonicdeathmonk
Lvl 31 here cojackofarthas crota end
Join me lvl 31 warlock w/mic last checkpoint PSN: Scootersk8
Got a group of 4 Lvl 31 looking to run Crota Fedable
Raid with 5 open slots psn: bubbalr
3 man vog
Need 4 for first timer Crota. Add MONSTERofMD
Starting raid, cp crota, need 5 Add joker69419
Lfg for fresh crota raid add PainTrain05 lvl 31 titan
Need 2 more for fresh crota raid
Doin another crota run fresh need 4 more PSN moatoncheese
Level 29 hunter ps4 JPLL_21
Looking for fresh group. Level 30 warlock. Psn: Sonicdeathmonk