originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Hey it's been longtime I play destiny. The last time I play it when almost to kill crota that mean about 2 months I need players to help me finish it for to find me is fastcars12345678. That my sing in id. I need people with mica to the raid. I post it at 7:22pm
Lfg Crota normal Fresh add me on ps4: ami92
Lvl 32 Hunter lookin for fresh crota normal. Can run sword and have gjorn as well as mic... Lvl 31+ pls... HMU psn tj5270
Need 4 for a Crota run from the bridge, can restart if needed. Add mudder_runner86 on ps4
Psn reivaj00 lvl 31 hunter not that experience with the raid
looking to start a group, Ive only been through it once. add me and join.
Level 31 Titan with maxed out gjallarhorn looking for Crotas end raid on hard or normal (PS4)
need 4 for crota normal add hornbaker2000 on ps4
Edited by Jme: 3/14/2015 2:46:10 AMNeed 1 more person to help us with krota have 3 level 30's a level 31 and a level 32, need preferably a sword bearer. Will be doing it today on the 14/3/15 at some point (around dinner uk time) if you're interested add me on ps4 - JiMx1997 p.s if you didn't already understand we're at the final final checkpoint.
I need a fire team for Crota I've never done it before. Lvl 31 hunter!
Ps4 btw
Looking for group to take me through Crota Normal Raid. Never done it, so a patient group is ideal. Lvl 31 titan. Add me: ASAP_Gingersnap
Any one wanting to do nightfall strike 3 times add me xxoluisoxx
Looking to raid Crota or vog hard. Group of two level 32's with experience. Add sirthopas.
LV 31 warlock want NORMAL fresh Crota to join. PSN johnny-warfare Dutch
Looking to run vog or Crota on hard, lvl 31 warlock add me on psn: Mik_griddlz
Level 30 Titan never done a raid looking to hop a group psn anaymous
Lvl 31 Crota normal with checkpoint need 5 people Add Rimportracer05
2 lv.31s looking for group for CROTA on normal , I've got CROTA last checkpoint ! PS4 , gamer tag NICK81591
2 lv.31s looking for group for CROTA on normal , I've got CROTA last checkpoint ! PS4 , gamer tag NICK81591
2 lv.31s looking for group for CROTA on normal , I've got CROTA last checkpoint ! PS4 , gamer tag NICK81591
2 lv.31s looking for group for CROTA on normal , I've got CROTA last checkpoint ! PS4 , gamer tag NICK81591
2 lv.31s looking for group for CROTA on normal , I've got CROTA last checkpoint ! PS4 , gamer tag NICK81591
Edited by Epsilon775: 3/2/2015 4:40:29 AMHunter 31 LFG for Nightfall, Crota normal or hard upgraded gear and experienced so send me a invite PSN: Epsilon775