originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
comment to start a group and then people who want to join that person should comment on their comment
Raid With [X] open slots psn: "gamertag"
Looking to do a fresh Crota run. 31 warlock add "Widep"
add e3r4i8c3 for crota normal.
Need 2 for fresh raid add duck2016
Anybody wuna reg raid? Hit up maynard74
Level 31 titan need help with fresh raid exp & ready add deeznutzx69
Need help with crota hard add me peeco89 level 31 Titan 30 warlock
lvl 29 hunter want to try the raid add distroyer2002
Looking for fresh normal or hard Crota's End Level 32 Hunter/Titan Looking for a group that has experience SILIC0N__SURFER (One zero, two underscores)
Looking for a group to do full Crota with. Level 29 titan. Never have done it before. PSN NicNation129
Can anyone help me get some raid gear for my hunter? It's at lvl 28 the now if so add me hitmanarcher91
I can help lamps, full crota. Warlock 31, titan 30 and warlock 32 FIN_Deemu
Psn:Leeroymint 31 hunter, Titan & warlock
Looking for fresh crota hard or reg lvl 31 almost 32. Ps4 TRPPYMANE88
lf crota regular deathsinger cp
Looking to do crota raid on hard full run or checkpoint is okay level 31 Titan on ps4
Looking for full Crota normal run, level 31 titan. Add Sonicdeathmonk
Have Crota CP and Gatekeeper CP both on hard didn't finish last night just need a full fireteam...PSN GhOst_52NiPpOL3....31 warlock
Middle of Crota and 2 dipped we are 4 lvl 31s add "Widep"
Edited by VanillaBear24: 2/12/2015 3:24:27 AMRaid with 3 open slots. PSN: Vanillabear24 Deathsinger CP
Lvl 31 Titan looking for fresh crota raid add me
Level 31 hunter need 4 + 1 hunter sword bearer Add me albafamilia
Level 31 Hunter with bridge cp psn marknight20
Anyone down for a normal run. Lvl 31 hunter
Need 3 more for fresh Crota on normal. Add ZPot65