The games with gold games for the month on January have been announced
[quote]D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die : Available from January 1-31 on Xbox One
MX vs. ATV Alive : Available from January 1-15 on Xbox 360
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings : Available from January 16-31 on Xbox 360[/quote]
I've been wanting to play D4 for awhile now so I'm pleased that it will be free in January. As for the games on the 360 well I haven't played either(though I already own witcher 2 on pc) so I'll probably download them.
Oh yeah, I need to finish D4. Anyone know how to equip sweaters in it? I downloaded the STF sweaters and I don't know how to wear them.
I have no idea what D4 is, someone give me a TL;DR?
I hope D4 will be fun. I don't know much about it other than it looks like a point and click game. The 360 games will get downloaded as well, but I only need one achievement for The Witcher 2, so it'll be my digital backup in case anything happens to my disc.
D4? That supposed to be a sequel to D2?
I'm assuming it's chapter 1 of D4. Still, Microsoft is -blam!-in cheap.
Aaaaand Xbox One players get screwed again.
eh, i will try D4. but i wasn't going to buy it for more than $5
Yawn... glad my XBL membership is expiring soon...
Not played either of the 360 games so that's a pretty awesome lineup, plus free game when I get the X1 in January
Witcher 2? Seriously? I bought that for $10 on sale six months ago. [spoiler]inb4iboughtitatlaunchm80[/spoiler]
Ugh, none of these particularly strike my interest this month. Although I'll probably end up downloading them anyways.
I think I'll pick up The Witcher 2 to prep for 3.
Nice! D4 is a fun game with an outrageous plot and characters. Nice change with games being so serious nowadays.
Considering getting a month again just for the witcher. I've never played any off them and 3 looks so badass.
Good news for me I only own Witcher 2. Nice one.