Op = fgt
Edited by Tuxx: 3/6/2015 5:55:09 PM[quote]Sony Pictures and Sony Entertainment are two different things, I hope you know. Shit bait either way.[/quote] Edit: I don't play on a console that wanted to inhibit gamers and require online connectivity.
And... mute
Sony Pictures and Sony Entertainment are two different things, I hope you know. Shit bait either way.
I had a PS3 and after hearing this I traded it in for a GameCube. This is disgusting.
Pls, stahp.
So N. Korea decided your gaming platform too? #GetRekt
Sony should stage a nuclear war against North Korea, I think they'd win.
It's highly unlikely the North Korean government was ever involved in any hacking - it's all political propaganda to manipulate public opinion. A foreign government would have bigger fish to fry than bother with some here-today-gone-tomorrow piece of throwaway entertainment beyond stating their personal dissatisfaction The US has refused to take up NK's offer to work together to find the hackers because the US knows the Korean government aren't involved, but wants to maintain the fiction to further its political interests This is a standard policy used again and again with foreign countries over the years
I just want one day [b]ONE DAY[/b] w/o all this fanboy nonsense. It is people like you that give the Xbox community a bad reputation and the same for the PS4 Community. I just wish you would stop acting like a 15 year old and grow the hell up. My 2 cents...
Lmao I get why though. They would've been ignorantly putting people lives at risk, a very unwise move for a company of their stature. What really gets me about this whole issue though, is that a terrorist attack was threatened....over a movie! A friggin movie! That guy needs to get his head out of his ass or get wrecked, idc which one.
Oh you play on the console that caved to public reaction from their initial console design cool
Sony entertainment what a bunch of cowards
They didn't know who it was at the time. They threatened to attack the US. So it should be taken seriously.
Sony pictures =/= Sony entertainment Nice try though [quote]Sad after a year people are still trying to justify a bad purchase. [/quote]
What would you suggest Sony do exactly?
That's like saying you don't eat KFC because Taco Bell fired their dog mascot. Great logic!
I'm sorry but I don't want North Korea nuking the entire US mainland during the holidays dumbass.
You're dumb. Plus the movie will suck
and they decided to release the movie anyway. it's up to the theatre itself to show it or not. i think regal decided not to. idk who else
Sony Pictures is a different part of the company. separate market and everything.
Well people with a bad opinion of N.Korea get met by ninjas i guess bungee don't want them n k. Hackers taking them down lizard squad needs to do
It was the movie theatres fault. NOT SONY. The theatres refused to show the movie due to the theatre patrons being physically threatened. These theatres were doing all they could to keep their customers safe. Yes, they are just hackers, but you have crazy people out there that will do what hackers say including bombing or shooting up a theatre full of innocent movie-goers. Do more research before listening to all these uninformed news outlets.