At least on my game. Been trying since release date to get this damn chest piece and I can't ever get it. Every chest engram has turned to Voidfang Vestments, xur has been selling Voidfang Vestments all the time. RNG is beginning to piss me off so much.
I can't for the life of me even get one from nightfall. I get any other exotic that I don't want.
It's not impossible as I have one, but i have no idea how i got it. I think it was a chest engram from Xur some time ago, but i've never seen another one. I have two warlocks and one hunter and none of them have gotten these from a dropped engram, yet I get Titan gear all the time :( I have found that if I give my lesser played lock or hunter I have a higher chance of getting gear they need. If i buy an exotic engram from Xur and use my highly played warlock to decrypt it, i almost always get Titan gear.