Edited by eXploit XI: 12/22/2014 9:03:39 PMIt baffles me that you said there are 7 million people on earth. You do know there is over 7.125 billion right?
This ^ This baffles me. Try over 7 BILLION *** face palm ***
How can people still post without knowing facts and make themselves look truly unintelligent?? [spoiler]truly baffles me[/spoiler]
It's mind bottling. Isn't it?
Plot twist: Who says they're playing on Earth?
Edited by Pahya: 12/22/2014 9:10:43 PM8 billion my friend. how much inhabitants does your country have?
I love how everybody falls for the bait.
Seven million is a lot of people, especially considering the planet is only 7,000 years old. [spoiler]In case obvious sarcasm is not obvious enough, despite the satire.[/spoiler]
Everybody correcting him saying "it's 7 billion!" - please smack yourselves for being so stupid and easily trolled. He even has satire in the tags you dumbasses 😒
WOW Sometimes you just have to step back and say that was dumb
Edited by AnyOLName: 12/22/2014 9:08:25 PMUmm, there are 7 BILLION people on earth... and I'm sure that they don't count people outside the USA when it come to video game stats..
What the f.... Oh wait.... #satire. You got me dude. You got me. *claps hands* Well done, good sir. +1 for you
Desticles... Ahhhh
What truly baffles me is the amount of people that didn't see the tags.
troll bait is best bait
God bless them who thought this topic was serious.
People that actually fall for the bait are 100% retarded
7,629,344. To be exact... Sigh some people....
AHAHAAHAHAHAHA, oh yes. Thank you.
lol who said the other 5m where on earth mayb mars or uranus --__--
Lol you mean 7 billion...
Do you even satire math, bro?
Let me spell it out for you: 7 B-i-l-l-i-o-n people live on earth
Good job copying a facebook post. If you are at least going to be a troll/idiot at least be original.
I find it hilarious that you can tell what generation most posters are from with hashtag use...