Alright everyone, I'm doing something a little different. I will be doing a Crota's end tutorial raid tonight at 7:00 PM Central time. Normally I don't post times, but I seem to have trouble getting people when I'm ready.
If you are interested, please send me a message on XBL and post on this thread. First 5 to respond will be accepted. Remember this is a tutorial raid, so if you are just looking for a completion, I'd recommend looking elsewhere.
Got one spot left
Shoot me an invite brother. Gt BowtieBandit13
Still have 2 spots
2 more hours. Still have 4 spots
GT Darth Daddis 31 Titan Thanks!
Hey make sure you send me a message on Xbox Live if you still want to be in the tutorial raid.
Sounds good. See ya in 3 hours!