I don't know what you mean by get you started. But I guarantee you I bought it. I have only gotten lucky raspberry from that chest engram. Every other engram has been a helmet. Praxic was literally the first exotic I bought. I had one dropped from a vanguard strike. But the xur one was better. At the time I thought they were all the same, but my buddies told me that stats are life hangers. But if you can prove me wrong...I'm listening.
http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2obju5/heres_a_list_of_every_item_xur_has_sold_so_far/ HoPF was never sold, my friend wants it really bad and he's almost always up at 4 in the morning when Xur comes so he never missed a sale and he's still waiting for it to be sold.
Yeah I just looked at that. I must have gotten it from the same week gjallarhorn was sold. I swore I got it via xur. Been so long ago.
Probably an engram, cool drop though!
Yeah I guess. Thing is useless though. Voidfang is better. Plus changes color with shaders. I believe the new raid chest give sun singers a second melee charge. All I remember from that week was deleting a HOPF because I got the one I have now, and it was better.
No I'll raise you, prove to me that you bought it from xur. Go in, please do LOL because he has never sold it you simpleminded idiot.