Edited by U Go 6 FT BeLOW: 12/23/2014 12:21:24 AMa)those numbers are deceiving as usual..they're counting the same people that log in multiple times since launch and im sure it doesnt separate those that have logged in multiple times in a day...aka 1 person can log in 3 times a day since launch so all of a sudden according to bungie destiny 380 "people" have logged on and played destiny at launch even though it was that one person 380 times. Garbage deception by a garbage company. b)you're an idiot, its 7 billion people in the world c)destiny has yet to release current daily log ons and people still go by the first few week's launch numbers saying 3.2 million log on to this crap game daily still....ROFL ya right get a grip on reality simpletons. Destiny is repetitive garbage...and I know I know, all games GET repetitive, yet Destiny LAUNCHED repetitive. The "DLC" which was just the main game they chopped up wasnt worth but maybe $5...this company really is pathetic like a lot of simpletons on here that enjoy this garbage and continually play it daily encouraging more and more companies go to this generic trash.