So you are now saying you arent omniscient because you cant create a way to make something require no effort or time
[spoiler]so you are sayig you arent omniscient because you cant create more time[/spoiler]
That's not what omniscient means. It means all-knowing. And you simply are unworthy of such advanced knowledge Do not presume to lecture me, foolish mortal scum
You have countlessly admitted that you dont have all knowing, all seeing or all power to do what you keep typing, you lose.
No! I never lose. I have won, it's just that you can't comprehend the scope of my victory
And you dont have the ability to explain in a way one could understand, so thefore you arent what you claim to be.
If you gained the knowledge it would destroy the time space continuum
But you said my logic doesnt apply to you so therfore you giving me the knowledge should not break the space time continuum, if this is out of your power, knowledge or vision then that means you arent an all powerful being because you lack the ability to do something
I don't need to listen to your heretical ravings. I'm right your wrong. That is it. I do not need to make sense. You are simply not worthy of the knowledge that would make you understand
But if you are so powerful you could make me right and me worthy, if you cant then you are not all powerfull and if you can you are not all powerful
I think our very irrational argument has gone in a massive circle. Let's end it here. What system do you play on?
Xbox one [spoiler]claiming to be all powerfull always ends in a paradox[/spoiler]
True. But claiming to be all powerful is fun and you can respond to all arguments with "because I said so, damn it! Add me. Gt explodinggeyser