In the mission The Shrine of Oryx, I have gone through the mission, more like have tried, multiple times. There is a bug in the mission where the objective marker saying "FIND THE SHRINE Delve further into the Hive warrens to find the Shrine of Oryx" isn't moving. I have killed all enemies in the area, I have returned to orbit and continued, returned to orbit and restarted the mission, but this bug will not go away. The character I'm playing with hasn't done this mission yet, if that has anything to do with it. I'm not sure what to do as of right now. I'm still standing at the marker trying to will it to move. Bungie or other players who have experienced this bug, please aid me.
I just didn't so it for a few days and came back and it was fine
You have to kill the fallen baron in that room to be able to continue. If you have and it still persists then idk... haven't experienced that myself...
I had this while doing bountys but don't know how to stop it?!?
Edited by LurkingSloth: 2/15/2015 10:54:24 PMOnce you get to where the checkpoint won't change, SOMETIMES (if not always for me) it will reset if you kill yourself near the supposed point. [u]Just jump off the edge[/u]. You will start further back but at least it gives you a good chance of doing the mission. I'm on PS4.
I have that problem too! Bungie should fix!
You my friend, most likely went through the wrong way. I did this, you need to go back to the temple of Crota, don't go through the hellmouth.
I had this issue to, I ran all the way back to the start of the mission and it still didn't change anything. Also going back to a respawn restricted zone and dying doesn't fix it either. I did cruise around a bit at the beginning of the mission to get some resources and kill a blade of Crota, maybe that messed it up for some reason. It happened 3 times to me though..... very annoying
You can restart the mission using the X button from the director. That fixed the objective marker for me the four or five times I've seen this problem.
You probably went through the wrong entrance. Like if you have to go through Temple of Crota to get there you won't be able to do it correctly.
Happened to me 2 times
This happened to me a few minutes ago. Just go back to the Hall of a whatever and then go back and ghost should start talking that's what I did.
Never had this bug will check later
this only happens to me when i run past every enemy in that mission, except for killing that major fallen guy, i always thought it was a way to stop people from just skipping the entire mission, not that it had anything in it besides shoot this hive and kill that fallen
Well, where are you at specifically?
I can confirm this bug.