If Destiny's precious economy needs preserving then anyone who's hit level 3 ( Edit - by glitching, etc ) with Eris should be suspended for a week. This will give none glitches, exploiters a fair chance to catch up. It's quite frankly impossible ( Edit - Unless your a Hunter, maybe !?! ) to have hit that level yet without cheating. I play long hours and fair, but when I see gamers constantly exploiting glitches with no consequence, it's very difficult not to see the appeal. Bungie, get tough on these idiots. Fair gamers shouldn't have to follow in the wake of these snot nosed talentless idiots.
Edit : At the risk of upsetting anyone I should point out that if you've reached ANY level by fair means I commend you, however I do struggle to see why you are so aggitated over something that clearly doesn't effect you ? Only you know if you've cheated, glitched, etc and to all those I hope you're smited and justly so, talentless heathens should be shunned and ridiculed.
More Edit : Here is my concern, there was a glitch, etc with the Iron Banner that allowed you to log in and out, etc and do all the Bounties twice a day, Bungie patched this because it's obviously unfair right ? The same glitch is in Crotas bane, the Eris bounties, except Bungie hasn't patched it. My concern is not over some silly shader that does nothing to alter the game dynamics, but the bigger picture. The Bounty glitch will give users plenty of time to upgrade the Husk, the New Vex, in time to receive Crotas Crux ( a random drop triggered by completing Crotas End on Hard ) which unlocks the final stage of the weapon. Bungie have timed the release of Crotas End Hard for January,
Now when users found out about the Atheon glitch every man and his dog flooded the Crucible with Vex's, Bungie had to nerf it to try and bring some balance back to the game, a little unfair for the gamers who won it fair and square, but Bungie never anticipated there would be so many of the damn things about, so what else could they do ? The same could happen here. Hence my post.
I am rank 3 without glitching. I complete the nightfall with my primary character on tues before turning tues Eris bounties, and I only turn them in while wearing Eris emblem, shader, and class item. I have missed two days worth of bounties since Eris arrived in the tower and I reached rank 3 yesterday. Rank 3 is possible without glitching.