I noticed lately that there's more to the vault of glass then we understand. I need a group that's willing to explore and find out what happened to Kabr and possibly other things that we don't know. I already have a friend that is as interested in this story as I am.
I haven't found anyone that has the mental capacity to even understand any of the theories i've come up with and i'm wondering if anyone out there thinks the same way that I do.
So i'll sum up everything as simple and yet as detailed as possible.
We believe (Or I do) that the vault of glass that were doing now isn't really the entire raid. Theres things that were missing and we need to figure out. I need a team of 4 who are willing to do the vault of glass and take the time to explore these theories we have come up with and possible things that we don't understand or have even found.
Theres weird things i've noticed while starting the raid up, no matter what level your on, if you go to Camp 9 , Endless steps, The Citadel and The Juncture all spawn locations have enemies of the level 30. I find weird because if you're on "patrol" why are the enemies level 30? Even on normal they're level 30.
I'm tired of bringing up this tiny margane of these theories up to people to see if they're interested in helping and they tell me im thinking too much and trying too hard and all they care about is their armor and how bad they are at this or that- anyways, I'd enjoy an intelligent group of 4 to help me and my friend explore this if possible.
I'm on PS3, my gamertags MsSerah, and I'm on usually after lunch time/12. ET.
Sincerely Serah,
Good Finds.
It's too bad you're on PS3. Those theories are actually pretty interesting, and I'd have loved to explore them with you. Ah well. Let me know if you find anything of interest, yeah? :D