We are a coed community of gamers who are actively squadding up for Destiny events. We have & accept members from the U.S. , UK, and EU. We have players logged on any time of day or night. There are only 3 requirements to join: 1) Must be age 18 or older, 2) Must play with an Axios member(s), 3) Must be willing to help out your fellow members when you are logged on.
There is no requirement to play a specific game mode or be of a certain skill level. We can all improve on our skills so why not improve together?
Axios is a community therefore we leave no member left behind. No one will be kicked for not logging in after a certain amount of time - we understand you have a life out of gaming. Just know you have gamers to play with when you do come back.
Click our official clan site link or search for us here @ the Bungie site then msg me to start a fireteam. If I am unable to play, there other Axios you can team up with to see if Axios is the clan for you.[b] ***XBOX ONE GAMERS: PLEASE MSG FT BROOKLYN FOR GAMEPLAY. HE IS AN AXIOS MEMBER ON XBOX ONE. *** PS4 GAMERS: PLS MSG ME (PSN: GRRLSCOUT420420) FOR GAMEPLAY.[/b]
I will join. Ps4 I'm 21. Have a 31 hunter 28 warlock an 23 titan. Psn: Floorhead