Some symptoms caused by this thread may include vomiting, diarrhea, hallucinations, dreams about cheese, extreme growth of facial hair and a sudden love for fedoras, banana hair. your mom, sudden cravings of doritos and mountain dew, excessive quickscoping, nutella addictions, increased weaboo levels, cringey fanfiction writings, youtube infamy, free trips to Disneyland, spontaneous twerking, banning, manlet status, bleeding out of the toe nails, walking on water, turning water into wine, walking on wine, walking while talking, exclusion from the laws of gravity, triggering tumblr "feminists", listening to vaporwave, composing vaporwave, being kawaii, learning how to be a ninja, listening to Gangsta Rap 24/7, becoming a member of a gang, sudden strip clubbing, mild to severe orgasming, chronic whale calling, flatulence dysfunction, spiking male privilege levels, checking your privilege every few hours, becoming a door to door sales men, joining up for the ISIS, visting /pol/ daily, buying empty pickle jars, using nuclear reactors as bongs, and excessive originality.
Contact your forum doctor, bobcast, before viewing this thread.
If there is no chance at all of me getting an erection that lasts more than 4 hours, I am not interested in your medication.