when you say on earth you mean like scotland or some shit lol think you missed out a few people just the other 7.2 billion lol
i recommend you never breed or drive a car or leave the house best thing really for you is to eat some cement a bag or 2 should do the trick
You're an idiot
shut up meg
How original
yeh but still better than ripping you a new one for being a dumb -blam!-
I guess sarcasm isn't in your dictionary. *sigh*
Does anyone watch Pewdiepie? Seriously!
Lmfaooooooo thank u I needed this laugh today
Check your facts bruh
check them bruh ? what are you this guys inbreed cousin ? bet your also his bother and uncle as well the population is like 7.3 billion so take away his 7 million its like 7.2 sumin im just to lazy to do that much math for someone who should have been drowned at birth
0-100 real quick king leonidas dont play no games
Not cool bruh not cool
Well that escalated quickly