Bungie, please ban everyone who is exploiting the new glitches in Crotas End. They are breaking the Code of Conduct by exploiting unintentional game mechanics, and deserve a perma-ban.
Plus, it takes no skill to cheese. Every time I'm in a Raid group and someone asks if we are going to cheese Crota, I immediately kick him.
Comment and bump this post if you want to see all these noobs and cheaters banned!
In world of Warcraft you could get banned for exploiting. But that game was a little more hardcore, with a little more content, and far less bugs. I don't care one way or the other. I have no real ambition to get geared up with these new weapons and armor. Pretty ugly, stats are kinda odd, and I guess after having an expansion so quick it now seems kinda worthless since the next one is only a short time away.