originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
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Ok, so I've played Destiny for past few months and have achieved a 31 hunter, 28 Titan and a 26 Warlock. I've only ran the VOG once and Crota never basically because of work/family obligations. When I play I only have 2-3 hours maximum of solid time to get the most out of. I find it burns most of my time just finding other players to team up with to accomplish stuff. I've tried a couple of "clans" that totally washed out. Without knowing any "serious" players (contradiction??) I find nearly impossible to go any further in this game so I find myself just helping other players with various tasks. Last night I ran with a player finishing up the Thorn bounty by killing Xylor in the Summoning Pits (Strangely that was thoroughly satisfying even though I didn't get a thing). My Hunter is a "weak" lvl 31. I need better firearms but either can't find a good group to run a raid when I have the time or don't have enough time to when I get on and don't want to sign up for something that I will have to bail on. Anyone know of any good clans that have scheduled runs and take on "green" players? If I know something will occur at a specific time I can flex my schedule to accommodate it. I just can't be on for hours hoping to catch a good run.
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/167184 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/370717 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/171260