originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
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Ok, so I've played Destiny for past few months and have achieved a 31 hunter, 28 Titan and a 26 Warlock. I've only ran the VOG once and Crota never basically because of work/family obligations. When I play I only have 2-3 hours maximum of solid time to get the most out of. I find it burns most of my time just finding other players to team up with to accomplish stuff. I've tried a couple of "clans" that totally washed out. Without knowing any "serious" players (contradiction??) I find nearly impossible to go any further in this game so I find myself just helping other players with various tasks. Last night I ran with a player finishing up the Thorn bounty by killing Xylor in the Summoning Pits (Strangely that was thoroughly satisfying even though I didn't get a thing). My Hunter is a "weak" lvl 31. I need better firearms but either can't find a good group to run a raid when I have the time or don't have enough time to when I get on and don't want to sign up for something that I will have to bail on. Anyone know of any good clans that have scheduled runs and take on "green" players? If I know something will occur at a specific time I can flex my schedule to accommodate it. I just can't be on for hours hoping to catch a good run.
DoD IS our clan! I have a small raid group, medium DoD Foxtrot and larger DoD group to find fireteam members from. It's part of being a "D" in DoD. Lining up schedules and availability is more challenging than the raid itself. But one you get out there with a few guys you'll get an idea of who's available when and what their goals are. Over the past months I know who likes to run on Tuesdays right after the reset and the hardcore PvP guys. Like any network or relationship the key is communication. If you need firearms one of the best ways is to run the nightfalls. 3 of us ran last night and got 2 Leg and an Exotic reward. If you are on PS4 Foxtrot is a good clan to run with. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Playstation/167062 Either way feel free to add me and when I available I'll roll with you. PSN: Destro_43