Had a Lvl 8 on my team that went I believe 2 - 20. We barely won. Get good weapons before you enter the Crucible.
The weapons dorm matter in the crucible. It's balanced remember?
I love carrying them, leading them on to victory. :]
Noobz... play the Crucible, daily, dont be discouraged, practice is what improves skill, learn the maps, learn your own in-game weaknesses and strengths, learn the weapon/armor types, practice, practice, practice.....
Actually, they should play Crucible. I'm a day one player and I get Exotics for running around and looking at walls. Don't shoot anything and stay in the lobby. You'll get Exotics for ZERO EFFORT.
Best time for new people to go is before level 5, there is a special server just for them
Or you know just let them do what they want to do to have fun since this is a game...
They must learn. We must carry.
Don't get tainted by the bad players who use fusion rifles, new guys.
Lol why its not like winning gets you better gear
Pay for their game, them u can start telling them what To do. .... players these days....
The very first gun in the game is straight beast in pvp
Don't tell others what to do. You don't need good weapons in crucible. I played with a level 2 buddy with starting weapons and he was too on the team. Don't be stupid and generalize that low levels are no good. Plus people have to play to get better, they won't be magically pro. So why don't you talk the stick out of your ass and be a bit nicer to other new players.
>.> yeah I'd rather have then in the crucible...want to test out No Land Beyond on unsuspecting does who doesn't know what a scope glare looks like
New players... fastest way to lvl up is story but if you wanna play crucible, play crucible. My first match ever i got 6500 points and i had the same crap guns you will have. Remember level advantages are not active
Don't listen to him, my thorn, final rest and Corrective measure always love new friends. ;-)
I didn't enter the Crucible until I hit level 20.
I just killed 35 with a a 3.82 kd so they are fine buy me come one come all noobz
Stop telling people how to play the games they own. So what? You lost. Everyone else on the team wants to be there bar you. Stop being entitled and just enjoy the game you're in. Win/Loss means nothing anyway.
Weapons don't matter you scrub. I use my Kvostov and wrek shit
Nope, I'm going in with my shiny new NLB so I can get guaranteed "bottom of the scoreboard exotic goodness" Mwa-hahahhahahahaha!
Dont listen 2 him grind crucible asap the lower the better. I love using u guys as a kd boost
That's what happens when you bring a dreg. You Archon priest.
Nooo, please, come to the crucible. I always play with a full team so the new guys can only be a good thing.
I think your true issue lies in the shitty matchmaking, it needs a true lobby and for crucible a rank structure of some kind
It's not rank. Got owned by a level 14 earlier. I'm level 29 almost 30. I go like 4 and 20 all the time. My KD spread always sucks. I suck at pvp and it doesn't matter the game either. So it's not the noobs. Sure there abilities aren't the best but a good player will over come. So quite your belly aching an adapt and overcome.