If anyone is from the UK let us know if you can get on PSN
Are they
Yeah same
Edited by jericho15: 12/29/2014 11:47:08 AMSTILL down - Liverpool - - SONY, this really is becoming rather pathetic now - Your subscribed to! by many millions of players (as many as 110 million?) seems to have almost zero resilience, let alone reinstate plan(s). - Communication from yourselves has been (at best) scant. - I'm not aware of any other online service, in particular a paid for service, that has suffered this level of disruption during the history of the Internet! Abysmal to suggest the least and exceptionally disappointing. ** UPDATE ** Changing MTU from automatic (typically sets 1500) to manual of 1473 has allowed me to connect - I did spot this in another forum yesterday but overlooked it :o/ - appreciate the reply KyleBlackout, a kick in the rear to revisit this setting - much appreciation ;o) - still no mercy in the Crucible however ;o)
just got on psn. destiny servers still down
Mine has been offline all day...
I can't :(
The hackers. Check on the CNN about playstation network being down.
London, offline. Was working fine about 3 hours ago
PS4 in Bedlington (Northumberland) is still offline. Gonna try my PS3 in a bit.
Stockport can not get on now 24 plus hours sony is a f u c k I n g joke wtf how many tech people do they have?
Still down here, if this really is the future of gaming online then count me out.
Yep, down in Manchester. Luckily I got on @ 9 and got my inmost light Titan helmet upgrade in so if it doesn't come back on this weekend I'm sorted
I've been playing since 8:30am here in London but my friend cannot log in. He also lives in London btw.
I can connect in Scotland ,glasgow ive been on since 10am
Sony - your communication during this issue has been shocking, this is day 3 and your still acting like it is a small amount of people affected, get your fingers out were paying for this service......
Scotland is still down, at least this way I won't be pissed at what Xur has...
PSN is up for me I've been playing all morning since about 0830 - Rugby
Still down in West Midlands
South East still down
No joy for me in sunny bolton ....
Can't get on in South Wales , although it's just timing out now rather than terminating the request ....
Edited by Paulo73: 12/26/2014 1:18:12 PMWas on around 9am....now it's down in the South West
Still can't get online in London
I am online in Sheffield
nottingham still down. getting beyond a joke now
Newcastle still doon