I wanna know how everyone lost their exotic weapon virginity. for me, though I am ashamed, it was universal remote in my first nightfall ever.
Edit* guys were almost at 150 responses! Let's keep it going!
Edit* Oh my goodness guys, almost 400. Would make my Christmas if this post made 500. I appreciate all the stories!
Edit* Just hit 1000. Amazing, love your stories guys.:]
Mines was Bad Juju, and dayum was she bad in bed... Wait what...
Invective, week 2.
The Last Word first day of VoG.
Technically the universal remote but I dismantled it right away and got it back again so it got dismantled again then I got the last word
Atheon took my virginity with red death
NLB from PvP...
Plan C eight months back... memories
Thorn bounty for me. All that work and i dont think i even have the first wheel upgraded.
Everyone is going to hate me for this but my exotic weapon virginity was lost to the thorn.
Icebreaker from the nightfall second week the game was out. Same week when xûr sold it :(
Mine was hard light, in week 2 - before it got the stability buff! Ha ha It still carried me through most of the story mission and end game activities. Think I scrapped her after a 331 hard light dropped from rng after the dlc :(
I can say i popped my exotic cherry with the Ghorn. But then again that one time that xur selled it, i bought it.
Thunderlord from the archon priest nightfall in about week 3 or 4, then went and did the strange coin mission and xurned myself an ice breaker
Weapon: it was Patience and Time Armor: VoidFang Vestments However it was a while ago but if u are pooling both armor and exotics into one, the Voidfang Vestments come first.
Suros regirme and ice breaker back on September surus from nightfall and ice from crucible with less than 2 day of each other. I remember telling my best friend look a got a "exotic" and we both were like nah man legendary are better, those were the days.
Patience and time from a purple engram courtesy of the loot cave.
Do bounties or Xur count? If not, I think my first random one was Monte Carlo, although I can't remember.
Edited by MagikSkull: 5/10/2015 11:26:44 AMLost mine to Thunderlord in the VoG. Then Gjallarhorn thought he'd have a go later in the same raid.
Got thorn bounty week later got jellyhorn 2-3 weeks after that got truth [spoiler]in that time I also bought shot from xur [/spoiler]
I lost mine wen I was lvl 27 playing crucible to the hawkmoon