I wanna know how everyone lost their exotic weapon virginity. for me, though I am ashamed, it was universal remote in my first nightfall ever.
Edit* guys were almost at 150 responses! Let's keep it going!
Edit* Oh my goodness guys, almost 400. Would make my Christmas if this post made 500. I appreciate all the stories!
Edit* Just hit 1000. Amazing, love your stories guys.:]
Thorn! Lol
I feel bad about but i have to get this of my chest, bad juju, because i thought it would be the easiest to get out of bad juju, thorn, and invective, i made the wrong choice but now i have all of those and more
Still havent lost my vitginity..
Red Death out of the first and only loot cave. Yea yea I know shun me
Hawkmoon second nightfall I ever did it also put me on to handcannons
Invective from a bounty
Got mine back in the early days of destiny. After days of legendary engram turning into blues I finally got one to turn into a gjallahorn. Didn't know how good it was till a few weeks later.
Last word, 3rd day of Destiny release, I was a level 23, got it in a crucible match, first exotic I've ever seen or gotten
Thunderlord, the one that usually everyone wants that I talk to lol
Icebreaker, got it from running crucible matches when i just hit 24. Didnt know it was that good at the time
Icebreaker from xur
Mine was the Suros from when xür sold it
Truth Xür
Lost mine to Bad Juju, before the buff v_v
My first ever exotic was the invective which I received through the exotic bounty.
Ice Breaker. Would have been Ghallarhorn if I had enough strange coins.
Funny. Universal remote from a purple engram. I just recently had another purple engram turn exotic...universal remote...again
Patience and time was my first and my god it was good
Plan C made me squirt all over the place, it was intense.
Thorn was my first.
Super Good Advice from the exotic bounty. Never seen that bounty again since (I keep getting the same three for Thorn, Bad Juju and Invective)
First exotic was bad juju. I used it for about a day....it was before the patch though. So it wasn't very good. First exotic drop I ever got was the vex.
My first exotic weapon bounty.. Gave me a thorn. As well with hand cannons being my favored weapon, couldn't have been better.
Icebreaker the first time it went on sale. I don't like snipers, so I almost passed...boy, would that have been dumb.
Suros Regime in crucible