I wanna know how everyone lost their exotic weapon virginity. for me, though I am ashamed, it was universal remote in my first nightfall ever.
Edit* guys were almost at 150 responses! Let's keep it going!
Edit* Oh my goodness guys, almost 400. Would make my Christmas if this post made 500. I appreciate all the stories!
Edit* Just hit 1000. Amazing, love your stories guys.:]
Truth from Xur G-horn from Rng
Plan c. Its a great first exotic. I still think that gun is underrated.
Week two I saw this random guy his name was Xur. I was a lvl 26 Hunter. I just came to the tower from loot caving. I saw that he was selling exotics and I was like cool I hope these are better then purple weapons. I bought gjallerhorn thinking this looks like a cool rocket launcher. I didn't really use it because I preferred using Machine Guns. It wasn't until someone asked me to raid with them that I realized that they only wanted to raid with me because I had gjallerhorn. I had a blue sniper and blue primary running around in VoG only because I had gjallerhorn.
Red death exotic chest
Suros from a legendary engram
Suros Regime/ Exotic Chest
Hard light random strike drop Invective 2nd Icebreaker Thorn
The last word and believe it or not i got it in my first game of control on first light I think I had 3 kills lol
The Last Word. A really good first exotic but I got it about 6 times before I got any other decent ones.
MIDA back in October from a Legendary Engram. [i]When the Cryptarch was giving Blues for Purples.....[/i]
Hawkmoon and proud of it
Suros regime no condom or vasoline
Icebreaker as an exotic drop from Xûr
Gjallarhorn no joke
Thorn.... it gave me a disease. Luckily hawkmoon came to take care of me right after.
For me... universal remote as well
Thunderlord from a legendary engram
Hardlight in my first VOG long ago
Patience and time from crucible
Patience and time. I ain't even mad.
Bad juju
It's funny coz my first one is Hard Light and it's at Strike. Lol!!
I'm pretty sure it was the suros when xur sold it. I was freaking out asking anyone to help me run the weekly heroic since that amount of strange coins would push me over the edge to buy it, and when someone finally did I was supa happy and bought me mah suros
Suros Regime
Universal remote from crucible