It is to good... I couldn't use it the word noob spills from that weapon.
Why does everyone say that XD
Because all high impact auto rifles are far to stable with to much impact, they wouldn't kick up like SMG type auto rifles but they would kick diagonally sharply. On top of that the headshot hotbox in this game is pretty ridiculous. The MIDA multi tool takes 4 head shots or 3 head shots and a body shot. The Suros takes 6 head shots (much higher RoF than the MIDA) and does incredibly high body shot damage (at 30) so it's not hard at all to use. I know I can't go straight up against them without using my fusion rifle, or long range scout rifles.
It is pretty good, not the best though. Not even close
What do you think is the best exotic?
Mythoclast and the pocket infinity (if you know go to use it).
I haven't tried all of them, so I'll just name my favorites so far. Icebreaker, and the vex mythoclast are probably my top 2 favorites out of all the ones I own, I recently got thunderlord and it packs a serious punch! I've also heard nothing but good things about gjallahorn
I got icebreaker today and I've fallen in love. I keep asking to do butt stuff but she says she's not into that.