Friday 26th 23:37(GMT)
So i've seen a few other topics on this so i know its out there but i wanted to saturate the forum and hopefully get a little more information out of the Bungie Admins.
I'm on Xbox One, Gamertag (Paradox711) and i've been trying without luck to get on destiny for the past hour. I've reset my router, unplugged my Xbox and done a hard reset. I've even prayed to a few gods. Nothing.
If your in the same boat feel free to post below with what your console is, GT and what you've tried.
If an admin does happen over this it would be nice as a player just to know more than "We're actively investigating issues impacting player's ability to sign in..." because you could be referring to half a dozen of your little "Problems".
I had the same issue. Logged into COD AW and couldn't get a match there either. Then got one and switched back to destiny and still got the you must be connected...