I've gotten 4 Vex's so far and only one Fatebringer. Vex I got in my second hard run. Fatebringer dropped in my 15th hard mode Templar... Btw still haven't gotten Praetorian foil, it seems to be the rarest gun in the game LOL
I beat the Templar 5 times and got 2 fatebringers. Dismantled one, and use the other regularly. After 10-15 hard atheon tries I got my first vex. Others claim to not be able to get fatebringer.
Fatebringer has dropped maybe 6 times over 2 characters and 40+ hard raids, Vex has dropped once and that was very recently on my Titan. That being said, my Titan does seem luckier in the RnG stakes, my Hunter gets shards and chatterwhite pretty much every raid.
Vex is meh runs out of ammo to quick and steals an exotic slot. Fatebringer is awesome has firefly and blows up mobs like crazy so expect to see more fatebringers.
Naturally, the Mythoclast is rarer due to Atheon having a larger loot table than the Templar
I had 3 fatebringers before i finally got the vex.
For me Hard run 14: first mythoclast Hard run 18: first fatebringer
This may sound like a dumb question.... Is the fatebringer a vog only drop?
Definitely have had the "gold rushes" you mention. The week before the DLC, I got Fatebringer and Vex in the same run, Ice Breaker from the Nightfall. Then week of DLC, got two Ice Breaker 2.0's from Nightfall and a Legendary Engram. When it rains, it pours.
I've gotten 4 vex and 1 fatebringer, my buddy got 6:1 same deal I think fate is rarer
I got the Vex my first time. Still trying for Fatebringer.
Got mythoclast today on my first runthrough, but i really wanted to get fate bringer instead.
I've gotten vex twice, I still play to get fate bringer. I'm not complaining though, I'm sure there's people who've gotten fate and wished it was vex
I've never had the Vex but seen people I play with pick it up 2 and 3 times. Most of the guys I play with all have Fatebringer and the Vex. I've only just got Fatebringer. I'll try now and again for the Vex but it's not as useful now as it would have been a couple of months ago.
One Vex (love it) and five fate bringers (three in one game) I love it too but I don't need five of them for three characters and how can the RNG give me three in one raid! I got two in game, two of the same helmet and yet another sparrow (have 5 of them now too). The postmaster had another fate bringer for me on my return to the Tower. No sign of a gjallahorn yet - which I covet.
Edited by Didz: 1/8/2015 7:52:49 AMIf u get the vex or fatebringer 9/10 times next raid u will get it again!! Loot systems a joke Vex 4th then 5th Fatebringer 10th then 11th
Vex 8th fate bringer 6th
Vex first try, fatebringer 16th
I've had the Vex drop twice for me but Fatebringer only once in about 14-15 hard raids.
Edited by Orichalcos: 1/8/2015 7:39:29 AMMy 3rd run through the Hard Vault a few weeks ago I got the FateBringer and The Mythoclast in one run. I didn't want the Mythoclast as much as my friend did so I felt bad when I got it instead of him.
20+ hard runs... 4 vex and just got my fatebringer tonight! No exotics though
Yeah, about the 'gold rush,' this week I've gotten Truth, my second Super Good Advice, my second Last Word, Dragons Breath, Thunderlord and Fatebringer. Pretty out of the norm for me.
I have 2 vex and only one fatebringer...for me fatebringer is harder but not based on any statistically relevant data, just my experience.
2 vex from 3 raids
I got both to drop in the same raid last night. After a drought of nothing but shards and energy, Im not sure which to level first. Again. It's RNG.
Countless vex & no fatebringer. 3 runs a week for idk how many months