Countless vex & no fatebringer. 3 runs a week for idk how many months
5 x Mythoclasts, 0 x Fatebringers. I've come to the conclusion that this game locks players out of receiving certain weapons as drops/rewards to keep them playing.
2 vex one fatebringer Decent amount of runs since week 4?
3x max fatebringer 3x vex dismantled a few
Edited by mungtung: 12/27/2014 9:52:25 PMAfter 15 or 20 hard runs I've gotten 1 mytho, no fatebringer, only gun I haven't gotten
2 fatebringers and 0 mythoclasts. I love RNG.
I got 1 of each the vex I got from my first hard raid. Fatebringer took a lot more but I also haven't seen the vex drop again so probably the same
2 Vex and 2 Fatebringers, myself.
7 vex and barely just got fatebringer
I've had 4 Fatebringers and 2 Vex. Dismantled 2 of the FB's simply for vault space. Lol
Got 3 vex and still no Fatebringer...
Gotten bout 8 to 10 vex i have stopped counting . Just dismantled last night but never got a fatebringer after. Thats all i play vog for
Fate bringer first defeat of templar on hard. Found verdict second time. Third time after bringer again. Vex time five on atheon. For me the fatebringer was more common but I've seen it less than bex for others
I've seen 3 times as many vex as a fate bringer
5 vex 0 fatebringer
2 vex 1 fatebringer
Its pretty damn random, as RNGesus always is. On my first hard mode I got the Fatebringer and Vex. Its always honestly about luck, theres no "earning" or skill involved.
First hard raid I got Vex and fatebringer. 2nd hard raid I got Vex again. Got another fatebringer about 5 raids later. I think Vex is actually more common. Templar tends to give my group shards and found verdicts 90% of the time.
I've got 3 Vex and one Fate Bringer. Only seen Fate Bringer drop a few times (one being when I got it). Vex one person is guaranteed to get, but multiple may drop. Fate Bringer is not guaranteed as far as I know. I know it drops from Templar, but not sure if it can also drop from the Oracles.
Edited by Currrrtis Blow: 12/27/2014 8:10:07 PMI was drunk and waiting to respawn while getting carried when I got vex in my first hard raid. PRAIZE RNGESUS
I got two fate ringers from one drop..... needless to say the rest of my party was a little upset. I got my 3rd one from the next weeks raid. Still no voc. I also have 3 mythlocasts the last one was from when I got my two helmets.
Got x5 vex and x4 fate.
I've gotten 4 fatebringers and 0 vex. I'm lucky and unlucky at the same time I guess.
I'm seeing a lot of people who have more mythoclast than fb. Do most of you kill Atheon more often than the Templar?
3x vex in the row. 1st Fatebringer this last reset.
Over 40 VoG completions, 5 vex, 0 fate. I hate this game soooo much.