PSN has always been inferior and always will be. Their security breaches have shown Sony's complete lack of competence when it comes to protecting their customers and themselves. Smh.
It's obvious, though. I mean, Microsoft makes the $$$ so of course they'll have more to spend.
Poor PS users.
Should've gotten an Xbox
Xbox One > Xbox 360 > Xbox > Wii U > PS3 > PS4.
Yes. Absolutely agree that psn is inferior compared to xbox live. But then again sony has delivered where it truly matters; in the games department. Playstation has always had the best game libraries and most diverse games. Yeah sure, go ahead and get an xbox if you want. It's not a bad choice in any means, but I just think there's no point owning one if you don't live in the USA since most of the tv-features are not available in the rest of the world. Pc + playstation is the best "two devices"-combo there is. Even better if you own all of the consoles and a PC, but for me ps + pc is enough. I'm not really a huge Halo fan anyways.