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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
12/27/2014 11:42:02 PM



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  • F0|_||2 SC0R3 /-\ND 53\/EN y34R$ Ag0 0\_/R |=/-\+h3|25 |3|20Ugh+ FO|27h 0|\| +hIS CO|\|+INENT, /-\ /\/3\/\/ /\/4+10|\|, CON(E|VED |/\/ L1B3|2+y, /-\|\|D D3|)IC/-\+ED 70 +hE p|2OpO5|+!0/\/ Th47 4L|_ M3|\| A|2E C|234T3|) EqU/-\|_. N0W \/\/E @|2E E/\/g/-\gE|) 1N 4 g|2EA7 (1\/|L W4R, T3S7!|\|g \/\/h37h3|2 7h@T /\/A7!O/\/, 0|2 A|\|y N4T!O/\/ 5O C0/\/CE|\/ED A/\/|) S0 DED|(/-\T3|), C@/\/ L0/\/g E/\/|)UR3. W3 AR3 ME7 O|\| 4 g|23@T B@TT|_3-pH|E|_|) O|= 7h/-\T W@|2. WE hAVE (O|\/|3 T0 |)3|)|C@7E 4 pOR7!0N OpH Th4T pH|E|_|), /-\S /-\ pH!|\|/-\[]_ REST|Ng p[]_AC3 |=0|2 7hO$3 \/\/hO h3|2E g@VE ThE||2 []_1V35 7hA+ +h/-\T /\/4T!0N M|gh7 |_!VE. I7 I5 /-\|_T0gE+h3R pH1T7!/\/g /-\/\/D pROpE|2 ThA+ W3 $hO|_|LD DO Th1S. BU+, !/\/ @ L@RgE|2 5EN$E, WE (4|\| /\/07 DE|)!C@T3 -- W3 (/-\/\/ |\|OT (O/\/5EC|247E -- WE C@|\| |\|OT hAL[]_0\/\/ -- +h|$ gRO|_|N|). Th3 BR/-\VE ME/\/, |_I\/|Ng A|\|D |)34|), \/\/h0 $T|2\_/gg[]_3|) hER3, h@\/3 C0/\/5ECRATE|) 1T, |=@|2 A|3OVE O|_||2 pOO|2 pOWE|2 7O /-\|)D O|2 |)ET|24C+. ThE W0R|_D \/\/||_L []_1++LE /\/07E, /\/O|2 []_0Ng R3M3M|33R \/\/h@T W3 54y h3|2E, B|_|7 |T (@|\| |\|3\/3R pH0|2gE7 \/\/h4+ +h3y D!D h3|23. I+ !$ FO|2 \_/5 +h3 LI\/1|\|g, |2A+hER, TO 83 D3|)!(@+E|) h3|2E TO Th3 U|\|FINIShE|) \/\/ORk Wh|(h 7h3y \/\/hO |=O\_/gh7 h3R3 h4V3 Th|_|S F@|2 S0 NO8Ly @|)V/-\|\|(3D. I7 1S |2A7h3R |=0R |_|5 7O 8E hE|23 |)E|)IC@+ED TO Th3 g|2E@T +/-\Sk |2EM41|\|!Ng BE|=O|2E |_|$ -- Th47 pH|20|\/| 7h353 h0NO|2ED D34|) \/\/E 7Ak3 1/\/(RE@$3|) D3VOT|0|\| T0 ThA7 (4\_/SE FO|2 Wh|Ch +h3y g/-\V3 7h3 LA$+ F|_|[]_|_ |\/|E4$UR3 0|= |)3VO7I0|\| -- 7h/-\+ \/\/3 h3|2E h!gh[]_y |23SOL\/3 Th4+ 7hE$E |)34D $hA[]_L |\|0+ h@V3 D13|) 1N \//-\1|\| -- +h/-\7 +h!5 N/-\7|O/\/, U/\/|)E|2 G0D, 5h4[]_L h4\/3 A NE\/\/ BIR+h 0F |=|2EEDOM -- 4/\/|) 7h/-\T g0\/3RN|\/|3/\/+ OF 7hE pEOp[]_E, By +hE pE0p[]_E, pHOR 7h3 p30p[]_E, $h@[]_|_ /\/O7 pER|5h |=|2OM 7hE EARTh.

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  • [quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][spoiler]o bby[/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]

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    • Edited by Dick Advice: 12/28/2014 11:00:39 PM

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      • 64301 (I think) 42 Electric lime

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        • 42

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        • [quote]Se7en-hundred-&-thirty-2.[/quote] [spoiler]732. The number of Koldraxon, which is I, and my creations.[/spoiler]

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        • [quote][quote]e[u][spoiler][u][spoiler][u][spoiler][u][spoiler][i][i][b][url=][b][u][u][i][i][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][i][url=][spoiler][i][spoiler][u][u][quote][u][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][quote][url=][url=][quote][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote]T[quote[url=][quote][url=][quote][url=][quote][spoiler][u][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][i][i][spoiler][spoiler][u][/u][/spoiler][/spoiler][/i][/i][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url]][/quote][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote][/quote]link[/url]link[/url][/quote][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote][/quote]link[/url][/quote]link[/url][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/u][/quote][/u][/u][/spoiler][/i][/spoiler]link[/url][/i][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/i][/i][/u][/u][/b]link[/url][/b][/i][/i][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/u][/quote][/quote]

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          • uhm .... yes i assume [spoiler]pls don't kill me [/spoiler]

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            • OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!

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              • No 69 is funnier.

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              • 91367

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              • 8675309

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                • Danger's coming, looming large So who's gonna make a stand? One-hundred rangers are taking charge The line is drawn in the sand Knuckles crack In two-hundred very different ways But each and every one has got The same thing to say... Red: Unite Morph! Because their hearts beat as one Red: Unite Hand! And put the bad guys on the run When the job's too ominous For an average Jill or Joe They go anonymous And watch their powers grow! Got no fame, no fortune to claim Fighting for the status quo Don that mask and take 'em to task Hurry, now it's time to go! They can do it, they can do it 'Cause they're super-sisters and bros... The won-stoppable Wonderful Wonderful 100! Evil's coming And you need a savior to appear One-hundred rangers will take the lead They gladly volunteer Way up high Can you spy them out in outer space? Two-hundred eyes like fire, Looking danger in the face... Blue: Unite Morph! A single heart like a blade Blue: Unite Sword! They dish out justice in spades When the world is teetering Hanging by a thread They administer a beating And stop the menace dead! Go, go team! Demolish those fiends! Toss 'em in a garbage can! Wipe the floor with aliens galore 'Til the world is spick and span! They can do it, they can do it, 'Cause they're fearless daredevil pros... The won-destructible Wonderful, Wonderful 100! Hope is coming to a crawl And sadness fills the air One-hundred rangers hide it all Behind an iron stare No one asks what they sacrifice, no No one minds But that won't hold them back From saving all of humankind... Green: Unite Morph! They put their heartbreak aside Green: Unite Gun! And let their powers collide Even if they're struggling To lead a double life They will keep on juggling They'll pay the final price One more clash, one bad guy to thrash Calamity is closing in One more fray to finish the day Before tomorrow can begin They can do it. they can do it 'Cause a hero never says no... The won-beatable Wonderful, Wonderful 100! Got no fame, no fortune to claim Fighting for the status quo Don that mask and take 'em to task Hurry, now it's time to go! They can do it, they can do it 'Cause they're super sisters and bros... The won-stoppable Wonderful, Wonderful 100!

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                  • 1101010100001011110100111000101

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