And before anyone starts blabing that its okay he is selling shit anyways...
It sucks not being able to log on at all to play the game and I also want the titan chest piece and need to buy a few exotic shards. Worst christmas for gaming ever :/
Edit: Thank you guys for informing me about the extension. Hopefully that will give me enough extra time. Merry Christmas!
Edit 2: After changing the MTU to 1473 I was able to finally connect to PSN! Thank you everyone for the help and support! :)
Try changing your MTU to 1473 and see if that works Settings - Network - Custom - (your internet) - Then just say yes/automatic to the options that appear until the MTU one comes up and then change it to 1473. Then say auto/yes to whatever pops up. Say no to the proxy thing. Finalise your internet, reset the console. And then try loading destiny a couple of times. Hopefully that works for you.
Deej posted they will keep him in the tower til weekly reset.
Bump this thread for those people who still can't log on so can they follow Plerpy's instructions
they've extended the time so thats a good thing i mean the only good things there are gjallahorn upgrade, hawkmoon upgrade (IF I HAD ONE), hem of te saint 14 upgrade and thunderlord upgrade (i forgot to do it earlier)
Psn is back up
Keep trying, im on ps4 and it works, had problems past two days but finally got on today
I've heard some PS users unplug power for 30 sec then reboot. Good luck
Still down for you? I was able to get on ps4 and ps3 to game with my IRL buddies
What system? Xb1 working fine.
Xur is extended till Monday night, just be patient, Deej got it covered
He's extended.
He is leaving Monday night right when the reset begins :D
He's extended till monday.