Christian mentality: I do nice things to go to heaven
Atheist mentality: I do nice things to do nice things
Moral of the story is...
Engrapadora's a horse fu[i]c[/i]ker wanna be
Edit: I realize now I made a mistake, this isn't how Christianity works as my good freind Wreck The Halls says...
[quote]If that's how you look at Christian religion then you are uneducated. Christians do nice things to act more like the bible says to. The bible never says that you have to do nice things to go to heaven but by accepting Christ.[/quote]
You only have to accept Christ...
This may be confusing to some fellow atheists... So lemme give you an example
>walks into daycare
>accepts Christ
>pull out axe
>murder de children
>get shot by police
>heaven bro!
[quote]We don't do nice things to go to heaven[/quote]-Reachsfirebird
Proof again that Christians are in fact going to hell
I see that you people have clearly never read the pastanomicon, you ignorant Christians...
The Christian religion? Or the Christian faith? I ask because I think you have a misconception of what Christianity is. Now don't get me wrong. I can understand why you would think that way. What with Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Lutherans, etc, etc. So many different versions of Christianity. How do I know which one is the right one? I don't have to. I read the Bible for myself. And accepted Christ as my savior. And as such I have faith in Jesus. I say faith because I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Which means that I believe in God. Which means that I believe what the Bible says. Which version of the Bible you ask? Well that's easy. All of them. I sat down with a computer program that had every version you can think of. And the ability to compare chapter and verse. That way, if I had any doubts as to what was being said, I could just compare the different translations and ensure I understood. I only told you that as to give insight into my belief system. I do not wish to convert you or say that you are wrong for not believing. Every person alive must make their own choice. But back to your OP. You cannot get into heaven through good works/deeds. You can only get into heaven by acceptance of Christ as your savior and believing that He is in fact the son of God. Now as an athiest, you don't have to worry about that. But let me address your second point. And that is accepting Christ and then committing sin. You might have a belief that a Christian can accept Christ, then go out and murder someone and die and still go to heaven. Because hey, they accepted Christ, right? Wrong. More than once, it is written that Christ said to those that accepted Him, "now go and sin no more". But we all do. Because we are imperfect. The key here is living a life that is pleasing to Christ and asking for the forgiveness of your sin. If you're living a life that is pleasing to Christ, then you shouldn't be killing, -blam!-, stealing, or doing anything else that would land you in prison. It becomes about being self aware and understanding what is right and what is wrong. And striving to do right in every circumstance. Again, you do not get into heaven by doing good works, yet you are still expected to do them. Why? Because when you accept Christ, you become a disciple of Christ. In essence you become a member of the body of Christ. And Christ is all about love and forgiveness. Not about hate, anger, rage, being a victim, etc. I hope that I have cleared it up a little for you. My last bit of advice to you as an athiest is this. If you want to know more about any particular religion or faith, read the books aligned with those religions. That way, you will speak from a position of authority on the subject instead of being ill informed.