originally posted in:ANGELS OF LIFE AND DEATH
PSN: PaddyThePole
CLASS: Warlock 29 both subs
TIME ZONE: UK- Friday and Weekends all days when on Night Shift and Back Shift, Dayshift mostly afternoons
MIC: Yes
AGE: 32
Same here always up for it :) I'll add you on PSN PSN: Davvej 29 Titan + Mic
PSN Halfonzio 3 level 31 hunters, almost at level 32 but in no rush! Got a backlog of 20+ weapons I need to upgrade so spending a lot of time doing bounties! Always up for raiding as I'd like to improve and stay sharpe as hunters are pretty squishy in a level 29+ cockfight!!! Age 30 Have a mic - funny British accent On most evenings british time but always easily led to stay up till ungodly hours raiding with Americans!
Edited by reaper_aka_neo: 12/28/2014 2:39:10 PMWhat's your psn? Looks like there still are issues with the psn network and we can't add at the moment but leave your psn and we will add you tomorrow...we need people who are ready to battle...