I've read a few posts that the fallen won't particularly make for a very difficult opponent in the next raid. I beg to differ, and here's why. 10 things to consider...
1. Weapons that track better than any other in the game
2. Invisible Vandals of all kinds (snipers, sword bearers)
3. Teleporting Captains
4. Captains and Vandals that know how to take cover very well
5. Vandals with swords that chase you aggressively
6. Dregs with knives that chase you aggressively (these aren't like dumb thralls)
7. Vandals that know how to snipe very well
8. Servitors that teleport
9. Bosses carry weapons that kill you in one shot
10. Shanks! (pests like harpies!)
BONUS: Randal the Vandal has family you haven't met!!!
Edit: I didn't even include the fact the fallen know how to run. Vex goblins only walked. Minotaurs would walk fast but not run. So since the fallen run, how much harder will this raid be?
I hate to think you are right, but you make good points.
Randal and his family will be the end boss.
Well the new raid is called "the arena" so I'm thinking that the queen will have us fighting her champions or something and the final one will be a vandal covered in glowing runes, it probably will have improved stealth and be given teleportation, both swords and a sniper. It's just the pic on the DLC has a smaller face shape then a archon or captain so that's my thoughts.
Vandals with swords are the worst.
Smoke weed everyday.
Shielded shanks when there is Arc Burn are literally the bane of my life. They have solar shields so unless you are using a solar weapon they mess you up. I usually use Praedyths timepiece, Epitaph, Thunderlord for Arc Burn. Against fallen I switch out the thunderlord to a solar heavy just because of those little bastards.
Drop ships that kill you in one shot
Lest we forget, the worst enemy of them all. Aggressive lag.
I think crota would have gotten/get a lot of complaining if you couldnt cheese it. the timing and effort required to get crotas shield down and sword smash him would elude a lot of casuals/ forum pick up groups.
Boss: archon priest and 1 or 2 servitor primes. Phase 1: Servitors are in the back shielded, archon is attacking. Phase 2: archon retreats, adds (including spider tank) spawn. Servitors lose shields and begin to heal archon. Phase ends once tank is down or archon is completely healed. Rinse and repeat
True, stealth vandals still scare me.
Final boss: giant Shank with every element do shield.
The boss is gonna be a spider tank with not one, but 10 cannons that one shot you
People are actually saying the Fallen will be easy?! They're smokin' crack!
The snipers and invisible vandals are what I fear with be the hardest to kill as they can turn up in larger numbers. The shielded captains at the moment can be taken down easily if you have Arc rockets or Arc heavy machine gun. Fatebringer is also good though I suspect that it will be obsolete by the time that raid is released.
I agree with this. I'm actually looking forward to the new raid, whenever it might be. but #6 isn't so.... thralls aren't THAT dumb. Throw a grenade far in front of them and they'll run around it or retreat. Dregs will clumsily retreat, and then come back shooting and accidentally step on the grenades lol(I play as a Gunslinger and use Tripmine Grenades)
Re: bonus 2 devil walkers and most probably a re-skinned archon. Woooooo - scared /s
I'd rather the boss be another Archon Priest than another SepkisPrime I'd be pissed if it's a giant servitor
It'll be the guy that jumps out the wall when you get your ship in story mode.
Remember those trip mines in the beginning of the game? Laser dodging anyone?
Now do one for a Cabal raid ;) I already hate the Cabal raid and it's probably not even been thought of yet
Boss will be Randal's mom.....and she mad!
Don't forget about devil walkers.
Edited by Soulstone_X: 12/29/2014 12:00:35 PMShanks only have shields on modified levels, raids don't have mods, people said the same about knights on crotas end and they have no shields. Captains always have shields though and they're going to be a pain I'm the ass.
11. Hordes upon hordes of shanks with not one, not two, but three shields each. Which can only be taken down by kinetic damage. No love for special weapons.
I think the enemy will be the last ahamkara that was closed in the Elder Prision. I supose that this is one of the big number of prisioners that the Queen has, but it will be scaping and you need to stop him.