I've read a few posts that the fallen won't particularly make for a very difficult opponent in the next raid. I beg to differ, and here's why. 10 things to consider...
1. Weapons that track better than any other in the game
2. Invisible Vandals of all kinds (snipers, sword bearers)
3. Teleporting Captains
4. Captains and Vandals that know how to take cover very well
5. Vandals with swords that chase you aggressively
6. Dregs with knives that chase you aggressively (these aren't like dumb thralls)
7. Vandals that know how to snipe very well
8. Servitors that teleport
9. Bosses carry weapons that kill you in one shot
10. Shanks! (pests like harpies!)
BONUS: Randal the Vandal has family you haven't met!!!
Edit: I didn't even include the fact the fallen know how to run. Vex goblins only walked. Minotaurs would walk fast but not run. So since the fallen run, how much harder will this raid be?
Most importantly, by the third raid I'm pretty sure Bungie will clean up their act when it comes to people glitching. "Cheese" methods will always exist and tbh are just players taking advantage of the mechanics in front of them, but I think we'll see content get streamlined and more difficult in general. Just look at the 2 new strikes and how many more difficult enemies they throw at us.