Reveal the truth about jfk
I'd send the christians on a trail of tears so they have something valid to complain about for once.
Take over the world
Become loominarti of course.
Sell all of the land, military, and anything having to do with the US. Resign and move to any other country.
Bulild a 20 foot concrete wall lined with electric fencing and several military watchtowers on the Border to Mexico.
Already said but join with Canada and make the Canadian Empire. First target: Cuba
Help the space program.
Join with Canada and make one big Canada
Order everyone's first born child killed. Raise taxes. Nuke NY LA Dallas Chicago and Topeka. Legalize meth. Outlaw all other drugs. Mandatory child labor from age 8. Abolish the medical system. Start a global race war. Then finally accidentally the whole thing
Cry about all the debt I gotta deal with.
Make a porno. Divorce my wife. Get the hottest girls going
Civil war II
Make world peace, and stop cancer, and destroy Ebola, and feed the hungry, and have absolute civil rights, and make everyone selfless, and get rid of hackers, and lots more good things.
just add my name over Washington's
Go party with Silvio Berlusconi