How do know?
Edited by OHIMGONEGETCHA: 12/29/2014 8:36:47 AMDestinydb and Reddit. It's called "Lord of Wolves". There's a nice legendary solar hand cannon tho...
As long as its like the shotguns from the captains
Edited by OHIMGONEGETCHA: 12/29/2014 8:59:02 AMNah, I think it's gonna suck. Take a look. [url=http://destinydb.com/items/2344494719-lord-of-wolves#1.coKDzkh8] Lord of Wolves [/url]
Look at this [url=http://www.example.com] http://destinydb.com/items/3399255907-347-vesta-dynasty#1.cmAq4Yd8 [/url] this looks more promising
Yeah looks pretty bad. Except for the devils touch perk. Would be a good perk for a scout rifle