Bump for Trending, all should know!
[b][u]Keep in mind that these are still speculation, but it seems to be a promising future for Destiny! [/u][/b]
EDIT: [i]Please reread the above statement, again and again before commenting with the neigh saying... this is meant to push Bungie to do it, whether they were planning on it or not![/i]
EDIT: For those of you who want to ACTUALLY read the rebuttle article, which clearly explains what the slot WAS for and how we should be hopeful for the future, it's this one... [url=http://www.example.com] http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/12/04/bungie-explains-destiny-s-mysterious-third-subclass-slot.aspx [/url]
Which new subclass would you want to play with first?
[b][i]Be sure to comment with your thoughts and opinions to help Bungie see how much this means to us all. [/i][/b]
[spoiler]● The Crusader (Solar Titan):
•Super - Shoot a large horizontal beam of light from their chest, taking out any enemies in its wake. Upgrades for the Super are said to make the beam larger, shoot through walls, or shoot in front and behind the player.
•Grenades - Triple grenade, a grenade that players can drop behind them while fleeing, and a melee deterrent grenade that explodes outward from the player when they are hit.
● Arc Thrower (Arc Warlock):
•Super - Spawn a giant orb of light that shoots lightning at nearby enemies. Upgrades to the Super apparently increase the orb’s attack range, give it chain lightning, or spawn the orb further from the player.
•Grenades - Arc grenade that has a detonator, a grenade that gives the player health, and a fence grenade that creates an electric barricade around the player.
●The Trapper (Void Hunter):
•Super - Place a trap on the battlefield. While in it enemies can’t jump and have reduced movement. When upgraded it can apparently reduce enemy movement completely, restrict opponent abilities, or increase it's size.
•Grenades - Void grenade that sticks to any surface, a bolas-type grenade that prevents players from jumping and slows their movement, and caltrops that sounds like a bunch of devastating mini-grenades.[/spoiler]
Warlock : Boltstalker